25 octobre 2022

Single Message Concept

The Single Message Concept is centered on a qualitative data collection including dedicated data management.

The Single Message Concept is centered on a qualitative data collection including dedicated data management.


The primary  responsibilities of the single message is to:

  • achieve coherence and consistency of the registered data by the pharmacists for use by a multitude of services including the GFD-DPP
  • verify the registered data with the introduction of an associated quality attribute.  The registered data is in essence validated on syntactic and semantic correctness
  • transform data to match the specific codification needs for interested services.  Special attention is put on the fact that the in-the-field variants of codification –that will inevitability exists once in full operations mode – are rendered towards the needed codification
  • dispatch the qualified data to the interested services
  • stagger and aggregate the registered data when needed by the service
  • optionally, a timestamp ofthe registered data can be established once for all the interested services including a univocal tracing traceability

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Dernière mise à jour le 25/10/2022

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